3  Results

Our analytical journey through the intricate landscape of crime in New York is set to address fundamental questions that shape our understanding of safety and security within the state. We begin by probing the evolution of crime rates over the years, seeking to unveil discernible patterns or fluctuations that have marked the trajectory of criminal activities. Additionally, we explore the nuanced variations in crime rates across different counties and regions in New York, aiming to uncover localized trends and understand the diverse factors influencing crime dynamics.

As we navigate through these overarching questions, our focus seamlessly transitions into a detailed examination of felony-related data. Delving into the intricacies of felonious activities within the state, we aim to provide a comprehensive perspective on the nature, distribution, and trends of felonies. This in-depth analysis will not only answer the broader questions about crime rates but also unearth valuable insights into the specific dynamics of felony occurrences, contributing to a holistic understanding of the criminal landscape in New York.

3.0.1 A Comprehensive Analysis of Crimes Over the Years Across Counties

We embark on our analytical journey by examining the evolving landscape of crime rates over the years. Our primary focus centers around the state of New York, where we delve into the occurrence of major heinous crimes. Through visual storytelling, we aim to uncover trends, patterns, and insights that may lie within the data sets, shedding light on the dynamic nature of criminal activities in this region.

As we delved into our analysis, a noticeable surge in major crimes emerged, casting a spotlight on incidents unfolding across the vibrant landscape of New York City. This trend is vividly captured in the graph below :

3.0.2 New York State Insights

A notable observation emerges as we scrutinize the data—over the span of a decade, crimes in each borough have witnessed a remarkable reduction, nearly halving. This trend persists, indicating a consistent decline in the subsequent decade as well. The numbers tell a story of positive change and enhanced safety across the diverse neighborhoods of New York City.

Observing the depicted graph, we discern a nuanced narrative within the vibrant tapestry of New York City. This intricate story unfolds across the four prominent boroughs — New York, Queens, Bronx, and Kings. Each borough contributes its unique thread to the fabric of major crimes, revealing a compelling tale of urban dynamics and safety patterns.

Based on the data, a significant portion, accounting for 40%, of the reported incidents is occurring within the bustling streets of New York City. This statistic highlights the concentration of activities and underscores the need for a focused examination of the city’s safety dynamics.

3.0.3 New York City Insights

Now, let’s delve deeper into the specifics of the types of crimes that have been unfolding over the years. By examining the trends, we aim to unravel the patterns and gain insights into the nature of incidents.In the graph below, we illuminate the major categories of crimes, particularly those classified as property and violent offenses. The visual representation spans across time, offering insights into the unfolding trends of these crime types.

3.0.4 Deep Dive into Violent Crimes over years

Our analysis spotlights areas of concern within New York City, indicating that Bronx and Kings exhibit a higher prevalence of violent crimes. Following closely are New York and Queens, raising awareness about the safety dynamics in these regions.

Socioeconomic Factors says: The Bronx has faced significant socioeconomic challenges, including high poverty rates, unemployment, and inadequate access to quality education and healthcare. These factors can contribute to higher crime rates.

3.0.5 Deep Dive into Property Crimes over years

Our analysis identifies that Larceny stands out as the primary contributor to property crime rates. In our analysis, we observe that among property crimes, Burglary and Motor Vehicle Theft are notable contributors. These two categories warrant closer scrutiny to comprehend the factors influencing their occurrence and to develop targeted strategies aimed at reducing these specific types of property-related incidents.

Let’s embark on an illuminating exploration of crime distribution across New York City’s diverse counties. Through an interactive parallel coordinates plot, we’ll unveil the intricate patterns of each crime type, offering a comprehensive overview. This dynamic visualization allows us to filter and focus on specific counties and crime categories, providing an engaging and insightful journey into the multifaceted landscape of safety dynamics across the region.

3.0.6 In-Depth Analyses of County and Regional Crime Dynamics

The interactive nature of our parallel coordinates plot allows us to hone in specifically on New York City. By selecting and filtering this region, we can delve into a more detailed exploration of crime patterns within the city, offering a focused and nuanced perspective on safety dynamics. This tailored approach ensures a more targeted analysis that aligns with our specific areas of interest.

The distinct portrayal of New York City compared to non-New York regions reveals a compelling narrative. The maximum concentration of crimes is notably centered in New York, unveiling a clear pattern. Our analysis indicates a positive correlation among Robbery, Aggravated Assault, and Burglary, suggesting a potential interconnection between these crime types. Interestingly, Motor Vehicle Theft exhibits a negative correlation, implying a different trend in its occurrence compared to the other crime categories. These insights contribute to a nuanced understanding of the crime dynamics within and outside New York City.

Below chart the gives the insights on the New York City : boroughs.

3.0.7 In-Depth Analyses of five major County

3.0.8 Behind Bars: NYC vs. Non-NYC - Unveiling the Tale of Two Jail Populations

Dive into the stats behind New York’s jail scene, where we’ve broken down the numbers by county, focusing on “InHouse” counts from 2016 to 2022. Non-NYC facilities seem to take the lead, but before you decide, consider the size of the playground – Non-NYC has more elbow room. Yet, even after leveling the field, NYC appears to be rocking a higher jail arrest vibe. Keep an eye on the “Other Unsentenced” crew; they’re stealing the spotlight, while “Civil” keeps it chill at the bottom.

The surge in NYC jail numbers isn’t just a statistical blip; it’s a key player shaping the crime landscape over the years. Enter the “Total New York States Insights” chart – the ultimate storyteller. Watch closely as the increased presence in NYC jails casts its shadows on the overall crime rates. It’s a tale of cause and effect, where the rise in NYC jail figures resonates with the broader narrative of crime rates, painting a vivid picture of the city’s evolving dynamics.

3.0.9 Diving into Data: County Chronicles of Crime 2010-2022 by Hate Crimes

Hold onto your hats, folks! We’re taking a rollercoaster ride through the county lanes, exploring the intricate dance of data from 2010 to 2022. Our spotlight? Hate crimes, with their two sidekicks: Property Crimes and Crimes Against Persons.

Now, buckle up, because here’s the scoop – no grand revelations, but a subtle symphony of trends. Picture this: ‘Property Crimes’ takes center stage, stealing the spotlight from its counterpart ‘Crimes Against Persons.’ It’s like the classic battle of the genres, but fear not, there’s no winner declared here.

As we flip through the data pages, a pattern emerges – a tiny nudge in the numbers over the years. It’s like watching a plot twist unfold in slow motion. So, while we can’t shout major conclusions from the rooftops, we can definitely whisper – ‘Property Crimes,’ you sly dog, you’ve been stealing the show!

3.0.10 Unveiling the NYC Hate Crime Odyssey: A 20-Year Journey

Hold onto your seats as we navigate the turbulent waters of hate crimes over the past two decades! The graph speaks volumes, revealing the undisputed leader in the realm of hate crimes – none other than the Big Apple, NYC!

As we dissect the data, all five boroughs of NYC – Kings, New York, Bronx, Queens – stand under the spotlight. The tale unfolds, starting with Kings taking the lead, passing the baton to New York, marking a shifting landscape of hate crimes.

Now, the burning question: Are we safe here in NYC? It’s the elephant in the room, and the graph doesn’t shy away from asking. Join us in peeling back the layers of this data-driven narrative, exploring the trends that have shaped our city’s safety landscape over the years. Buckle up, it’s a ride through time, crime, and the heartbeat of NYC!

3.0.12 Unveiling the Pulse of New York State: Animated Crime Chronicles

Hold onto your seats as we embark on a dynamic journey through the heart of New York State’s crime landscape. With a slider-animated choropleth, we’ve brought the 62 counties to life, showcasing the ebb and flow of crime over the years.

As the animation unfolds, the spotlight shines brightly on the city that never sleeps – NYC. It’s a visual feast, revealing the highest total crimes, including both the gritty drama of violent crimes and the subtle nuances of property crimes.

But wait, there’s more to this narrative! Joining the hustle and bustle alongside NYC are the contenders – “Monroe,” “Buffalo,” and “Onondaga” – each with its own crime population adding to the animated drama.

This isn’t just a map; it’s a living, breathing story of New York State’s crime evolution. So, buckle up as we ride the waves of data, peeling back the layers to understand the pulse of each county in this captivating visual journey.

3.0.15 Total Felony Over Year Across Counties

This Cleveland plot illustrates the average Felony and Misdemeanor rates for various counties, prominently highlighting New York as having the highest combined offenses

3.0.16 Average Felony and Misdemeanor across Counties

# A tibble: 62 × 3
   County      Average_Felony Average_Misdemeanor
   <chr>                <dbl>               <dbl>
 1 Albany               2464.               4542.
 2 Allegany              255                 606.
 3 Bronx               16057.              38567.
 4 Broome               1478.               3478 
 5 Cattaraugus           490.               1186.
 6 Cayuga                424.                922.
 7 Chautauqua            977.               2446.
 8 Chemung               529.               1557.
 9 Chenango              252.                629.
10 Clinton               528.               1251.
# ℹ 52 more rows